‘What is trance?’

In our hypnotherapy sessions, we do a variety of things and one of them is to put you into a safe state of trance. A question we get often is ‘What is trance?’ and it today’s blog we will explain a bit more.

Trance is a state of mind characterised by heightened suggestibility and receptivity to direction. There are different levels of trance, each with its own characteristics. Here are a few examples:

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป Light trance: This is a state of mild relaxation and focus, similar to daydreaming. People in a light trance may be aware of their surroundings but are more open to suggestion than usual.

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป Medium trance: This is a deeper state of relaxation and focus, where a person may be less aware of their surroundings. They may be more open to suggestion and may have a heightened imagination.

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป Deep trance: This is the deepest level of trance, where a person may be completely unaware of their surroundings and may have limited ability to move or speak. They may be highly suggestible and may experience vivid hallucinations or other altered states of consciousness.

It’s important to note that trance is a normal and natural state of mind that we all experience in different ways and different levels, also that hypnosis is not sleep, it’s a heightened level of focus and suggestibility that can be used for therapeutic purposes, it’s not a magical power that can make you do something you don’t want.

it’s important to understand that hypnosis cannot make you do anything that goes against your personal values or beliefs. You remain in control of your own actions and decisions at all times.

During hypnosis, you may be more open to suggestions and may find it easier to change certain behaviours or habits. However, even in a deep trance state, you will not perform actions that are against your own moral code or that would cause you harm.

It’s also important to note that hypnosis is not a magic power that can make you do something you don’t want; it’s a tool to help access your subconscious mind and make changes in your behaviour and habits that align with your goals and values. Also, hypnosis is not mind control; you can choose to accept or reject any suggestion given during hypnosis.

In a hypnosis session, we may make suggestions to help you achieve your goals, but ultimately it’s up to you to decide whether or not to act on them. Hypnosis is a collaborative effort between us as the hypnotherapist and you as the client.

Together, we can work towards achieving positive change.

Emma & Adrian


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